Team Lotus launched its car, T128, online in the early hours of Monday morning, a move according with name dispute with their rivals Lotus-Renault which is also laying claim to the Lotus name. The car was originally supposed to be called the TL11 which, according to the team, was to simplify what could have been another point of contention with Renault over the use of the name "Lotus".

Lotus had always admitted that last year's T127 was a deliberately conservative machine built simply to get the team onto the grid in a very limited timescale, rather than with outright performance in mind. It halted development on the 2010 car early in the season to focus on the 2011 design, which is more in line with modern F1 practice, and features Renault V8 power and transmission systems from Red Bull.

The images released so far suggest the car features a more intricate front wing design, sharply sculpted sidepods, as well as a more conventional higher nose, and an airbox and roll hoop reminiscent of the 2010 Mercedes, suggesting Lotus has found a way around the rules that appeared to have outlawed such blade designs.


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